Thursday, September 23, 2021

The Donkey

 There was once a donkey named Jojo who was very old. Jojo couldn’t work for his master anymore so he decided to kill him. He dug a pit and pushed Jojo into it.

The master started filling up the pit with mud so that he can bury Jojo. Jojo on the other hand shook all the mud from his back and climbed on the dirt that gathers at his feet. Slowly there was a mountain of mud inside the pit and Jojo dusting the mud off and climbing on it.

Soon enough he was out of the pit and in front of his master. His master saw the donkey alive and got scared that the donkey will try to take revenge. He threw his shovel away and ran towards his farm as fast as he could.

Jojo laughed as he saw his master running in fear and lived his life eating juicy fruits and vegetables from the forest.

Moral: The presence of mind can save your life.

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