Thursday, September 23, 2021

Bread and the butter

 Meena and Teena were sisters and walked every day to school. Their mother always gave them Bread and Butter in their tiffin.  Every day while returning home they saw a lady sitting on the footpath.

Meena always saved some of her Bread for the lady and gave it to her. “Why do you give your bread to her Meena? She’s dirty.” One day Teena asked Meena. Meena smiled and said “We have everything we want, she doesn’t, so I help her. She likes bread and butter too.”

Their mom listened to their conversation and hugged them. “That’s right! We should help others and be kind. When you make others smile, God smiles at you.” She said.

Moral: Don’t look down upon the needy, help them.

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ராஜ வாழ்க்கையால் சோம்பேறியான இளவரசன்.. இப்படி ஒரு மாற்றமா?

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