Thursday, September 23, 2021

Two feet

 There was once a mountain climber who wanted to climb every mountain. Once he was climbing a mountain in the night. He couldn’t see anything and hence he slipped on a rock.

He kept falling down and down and realized he is going to die. But suddenly his safety rope caught him and he stopped falling. He stayed there dangling and praying to god.

Then he heard a voice calling his name. “I am God, son. If you believe that I can save you, cut the rope you are hanging to.” He looked down and all he saw was pitch black darkness so he didn’t cut the rope.

The next day he was found frozen to death by rescuers. But they saw he was hanging only two feet away from the ground. “Only if he had cut his rope, he would be safe and alive,” one of the rescuers said.

Moral: Always have faith in God, even if the path looks difficult.

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