Thursday, September 23, 2021

The class topper

 Raghav was the son of a cobbler. He loved to go to school and learn new things. During the night he worked hard with his father and in the day, he worked hard in his school.

One day his teacher announced in the class that there was a test next week. After the teacher had gone, they started talking about who can top the class. “I would love to try, work hard and top the class,” Raghav said. The whole class started laughing.

“You are a cobbler’s son, you cannot top the class,” they said. Raghav ignored them and studied all week long and gave his best on the test.

A few days later the results came and the teacher announced that Raghav had topped the class. The whole class realized their mistake and apologized to Raghav. Raghav helped a lot of his classmates with studies and they helped him too. All of them were happy.

Moral: Never judge or underestimate someone. Learn and grow together.

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ராஜ வாழ்க்கையால் சோம்பேறியான இளவரசன்.. இப்படி ஒரு மாற்றமா?

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