Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Shake it off

On an unfortunate day, a man’s favorite donkey falls off a large cliff. He tries to pull the donkey out, but all his efforts go in vain. Disheartened, the man decides to bury the poor donkey.

He starts to pour soil and sand from above. The donkey, which is stuck down, feels the load of the soil and shakes it off his body. The man pours the soil again. And, once again the donkey shakes it off. The man notices that the donkey is shaking off the soil and is steeping on the soil bed, which is acting as a form of elevation. He realizes the donkey is slowly inching closer to the top. With every load of soil that is poured, the donkey rises higher.

Several hours pass by, and the man continues to pour the soil until the donkey is united with him again.

Moral: Face your hardships courageously as no problem is big enough to stop you from rising.

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ராஜ வாழ்க்கையால் சோம்பேறியான இளவரசன்.. இப்படி ஒரு மாற்றமா?

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