Thursday, September 23, 2021

Meeting God

 A little boy wanted to meet God. So, he packed his lunch with cake and some orange juice and set on his expedition with the hope to meet God.

After some time, he came across a park where he saw an old woman sitting on the bench. She looked upset. The kid went to him and offered her some cake. She smiled and the kid found her smile very beautiful. Therefore, he offered her juice too, only to see her smile again. Both of them felt so happy.

The kid came back home with a wide smile on his face. On being asked by his mother about his happiness, he answered, “Today I shared my lunch with God, she has the most beautiful smile.”

When the old lady reached home, her son asked, “Why are you so happy mother?” She replied, “I ate cake with God in the park. He is much younger than I expected.”

Moral – God is everywhere and becomes visible when you make others happy.

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ராஜ வாழ்க்கையால் சோம்பேறியான இளவரசன்.. இப்படி ஒரு மாற்றமா?

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