Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Woodcutter and the Goddess of Water | Moral story


There was a Woodcutter in a village.Ha had an iron axe. He used to cut wood everyday by selling that wood in markets maintained his family.

There was river flowing by the village. On the bank of the river there was a forest. One day the Woodcutter went in the forest to cut wood. All on a sudden the woodcutter's axe fell in the river. The wood cutter broke down with worries. Because he could not cut wood without the axe and if he can not do it daily how he could maintain his family. Then his wife and children would remain unfed.

At that time the Goddess of water come up to him from the river. She had a silver axe in her hand. Goddess of water asked the woodcutter , "Have a look, is this your axe?"

Having a look woodcutter said, "No, this is not my axe."

The Goddess of water went away and come back again with a golden axe in her hand. She asked the woodcutter, "See this axe now, is this yours?"

The woodcutter replied, "No, this is not also mine."

The Water Goddess dived into water and come again up with an iron axe in her hand. She asked the woodcutter, "Now you see, is this yours?"

The woodcutter replied, " Yes, this one is my axe."

The Goddess of water was pleased with the woodcutter for his truthfulness. She gave these three axe to the woodcutter. After then the woodcutter was no more in want.

Through this story of the "The Woodcutter and the Goddess of water' We have come to know that honesty is a great virtue. Everyone like honest people. Even the deities love them. So we should be honest. This is the moral learning of this story.

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