Saturday, June 19, 2021

Work Is Real Worship


It was a fine sunny day in winter. A cricket was basking in the warm sun. But he was very hungry as he had not eaten anything since previous night.

The cricket looked about to find something to eat. All of sudden, he saw a few ants carrying grains into their hole.

The cricket went up to the ants and said in a humble tone, “Would you, please, spare a few grains for me. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. I am almost starving to death .”

The ants stopped for a moment though it was against their habit. One of them said to the cricket, “What were you doing all the summer ? Why didn’t you store up food for the cold winter season ?”

“Truly speaking, I spent all the summer singing songs. So, I couldn’t store anything.”

“Then dance the winter away,” remarked the ant chuckling a smile. The cricket pulled a long face and went away.

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