Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Parrot


An Old Man was very lonely because his wife had died. He missed her very much, especially their meal-time talk and laughter.

One day, the Old Man decided to buy a Parrot. He thought a Parrot would be the best pet to have, because it could actually talk to him.

The next morning, the Old Man visited the Pet Shop. The shop owner showed him several Parrots. One called for a coach, another asked for a drink and one just made noises! Only one Parrot sat quietly.

The Old Man wondered why it was silent. The Parrot replied, “I think more!” The Old Man thought happily, Ah!  What a wise bird!’ Then, he bought the silent Parrot.

Now every day, the Old Man tried to teach his new pet to talk, sing or make a new sound. Sadly, the Parrot refused to learn anything new It would only repeat, “I think more!”

The disappointed Old Man angrily said, “Oh Parrot, you are a fool! Alas, I am a bigger fool than you, because I believed that you were wise, simply because you pretended to think more!”

🔥Do not be fooled by those who pretend to be wise.

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