Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Mice who Travelled


A Mouse, tired of living in constant fear, said to her neighbour, “I read about a place called Indies where Mice are safer. The people there believe that the soul of a Mouse has been in the body of a great person. After the Mouse dies, it will re-enter the body of another great person. That’s why Mice are treated affectionately there. Even hospitals are built for them. Let us go to this country and live happily.”

The neighbour replied, “Don’t Cats enter these hospitals? If they do, then the Mice would be dying, quickly and in great numbers.”

“Fear not,” said the first Mouse. “The Cats have their houses and hospitals far away from ours.”

The Mice then crept into a ship, which was set to sail. After a long journey, they reached Indies.

There, the Mice entered a house, expecting a warm welcome. However, the Indian Mice fought with the newly arrived Mice. Instead of being eaten up by Cats, they were killed by their own kind.

🔥Be wise and stay away from danger.

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