Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Dogs


One morning, a Hunter was following an animal. He tied his Dogs in pairs, so that they would hunt in an orderly way, and not pull in different directions.

Jowler and Vixen were tied together as a couple. They were both young and new to hunting. The two Dogs were good friends and always played together. They took each other’s sides in a quarrel. The other Dogs thought that they would be good partners.

However, they acted strangely when tied together. They both liked to go in opposite directions and walk in a different manner. Both of them would pull the other in different directions and soon this would end in a quarrel. Jowler, the male, treated Vixen, the female, badly.

He did not take care to lead Vixen properly or kindly.

An old Dog watching the two Dogs fight with each other, scolded them, “Silly Puppies, why are you always fighting with each other? Why don’t you ask what the other wants? Then you can both be at peace! I realized this when I was in the similar situation as you.”

🔥Joint agreement is necessary for a good partnership.

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